Friday 3 July 2020

My class science

Today I made a well um..... Photos of science that my class did. The reason why I did this is because I wanted to remember the term that I thoroughly enjoyed  (Hope you enjoy!)


  1. Hello Freya it’s me again, mihi nui kia koe. I like your blog post about you class science because you brought me back to a time when our class participated in a science fair. My group came second in our school, we were testing out pen brands. I loved how you added pictures, it shows how fun you all had. I also loved how you thoroughly enjoyed it. What did you guys make? If you want to learn more about our science fair go check out my blog at
    Keep up the good work.
    Ka kite ano.

  2. Hi Freya Im Hiero from room 25 Nice job on your post about The science experiment you did it must have been fun! What was the experiment you did it looks like your testing out Power!
    You can check out my favorite blog post by clicking This
    Blog you later

  3. Hi my name is Pharell and I go to Paihia Primary School and I am a year six student. I really enjoyed your blog post about your science experiment because I like how you put pictures on it to show me what you did. We did something like this 1 year ago but it was with my friends and we did experiments to.
    Did you enjoy it?

  4. Yeah I did enjoy it.
    All of you have a nice day😊


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