Friday 7 August 2020

Save The SEA!


  1. Hi my name is Ryan I really like how you said at the top it says please help our seas. But why did you say did you say WELL 2 times Antworten later. That's in German.

  2. I used it to make it sound suspenseful

  3. Hello Freya, it’s Breeze here. I commented on your blog a few weeks ago. Well I chose to comment on this blog post because I love the fact your class got to learn about the sea in virtual reality. I like the photos you added and I liked how you added what you learnt because that is something I did not know. I also like how you used save the seas for the title. Did you like learning about the sea in virtual reality? Keep up the good work and continue blogging about the interesting things you do.
    Ka kite.

  4. Talofa lava Breeze. As you know my name is Freya and yes I LOVED learning about the sea in virtual reality.
    Have a nice day! Bye😉


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