Friday 11 September 2020

Water For Everyone!



  1. Kia Ora Freya my name is Autumn and I am a year 7 student at Paihia Primary School. I really enjoyed reading your water for everyone post. Something I liked how your post was that you added a lot of tips and facts. Last year for the science fair one of the groups took some samples of the school drinking water and tested it!
    Did you enjoy making this slideshow?
    Make sure to keep up that great work and don't forget to check out my blog at:

  2. Kia ora Freya, my name is Ben, I’m a year eight from Paihia School. I like your blog post because I think people need to be more aware about what’s happening with dirty waterways and pollution. I think nets down the drains still wouldn’t completely get rid of plastics going down the drain and into the ocean because plastic can turn into microplastics and it would go through the gaps in the net. Even if droughts aren’t taking place there should be water restrictions in order to save water. Do you do any of the things to save water? Goodbye.

  3. Kia ora Freya, it’s Breeze here. I chose to comment on this blog post because I like how you made a D.L.O about how our actions affect having clean water. People should be aware of how polluting the ocean is not only bad for the ocean but also bad for the environment. This not only affects the water and the environment but also the things living in it. DId you find it interesting learning about how people's actions affect having clean water? Keep up the good work.
    Ka kite.

  4. kia ora Freya, I am Imogen and I’m a year 7 student in Te Ngahere. I just finished reading your post about saving water. I really like how you had all of your graphs of the problem they had and the actions they took to solve the problem. We had a drought in Northland and we had to start saving water. Are you good at saving water?


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