Monday 9 November 2020

My camping trip to Shakespeare lodge

Thank you for lisaning.


  1. it sound like you had a good time, i can't use my bloging acuont I don't know why, but it sure sound like you had a great time, see you at scotish group, (I wILL write my user name (but don't use it)) from ILB246810

  2. Hi Freya Nice job on you slide on camp i also enjoyed archery but i did find it very difficult because im not very good at aiming!.
    You can check out my blog by clicking This
    Blog you later

  3. Hello Freya, Matilda here from Room 7.
    I adored your post. I especially liked how you made your slides look interesting. You reminded me of the time I did this. Maybe next time you write more about it. What was your favourite activity at camp?
    Bye, Matilda🦦.

  4. Hi Freya my name is Milana Room 24. in the camp it was very fun I liked the kayak and the climbing wall.

  5. Hey Freya!Isabella here!
    This slide is amazing! I like the picture you drew.
    I have done this before but no digital.I would like to try this some time.
    Did you like camp? What was your favourite activity?
    Blog ya later!


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