Wednesday 3 March 2021

Endangered animals

This little buddy is called Green Pickle. This endangered animal is actually a reptile. In the winter it closes that hatch at the top and it hibernates all throught the winter all the way to spring. It feeds on the nectar of that plant it is on the inside of. It also helps the plant out by keeping it warm in the winter. In addition,this reptile is eating the plant's nectar so it doesn't gets too fat and explodes with nectar. So it is a win-win each way. That's the circle of life, kids! Enjoy! (all of this enformation is not real, so don't go searching it up, thanks!)


  1. Hi Freya Nice job on your endangered animals post i think its very intresting that the animal helps out plants. You should check out my endangered animal.
    Blog you later

  2. Thanks Hiero I will!

  3. Kia ora Freya, Coco here from Rm 8
    I really like your post. I like you added description.
    You should check out my endangered animal
    Blog ya later

  4. Thanks Coco!!


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