Friday 5 June 2020

What have I done........


  1. Hello,Kezia here and from room 25.
    I really liked your post about the monster it looks so cool.
    I would like to try make this apple monster.
    how did you make this apple monster?
    thank you for posting the apple monster.
    Blog you later

  2. Hello Kezia. well simply I used google drawing.

  3. Hi Freya, it's William from Room 7. I like how you used an apple as the aliens skin. I did this on my blog too. Blog you later!

  4. Kia ora Freya ko Breeze toku ingoa. I go to Paihia Primary School and I am a year 7 student. I thought your monster you created was really creative. I wouldn’t have done something so interesting unless I am focused. Something I suggest you use is background remover to remove backgrounds. I have two questions for you, were you inspired by anyone? Were the images you used usable? Keep up the good work.
    Kia kite.

  5. Kia ora Freya, My name is Nikaia and I go to Otaki college.I really like you monster because of all the different thing you used to make it.
    I thought it was awesome.

  6. Kia Ora, my name is Helen and I'm from Room 23 at Owairaka District School. I really like your blog post about your monster. I really like the way that you made the monster's body shape into an apple. I've also made a monster but I haven't post it yet on my blog. To improve you could remove the background of the mouth.

    Thanks for sharing your learning, if you want to go to my blog, click here.
    Blog you later,
    by Helen.


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