Wednesday 22 April 2020


I have a family member that you will not expect. He is a rabbit. Yes, you heard me. His name is Mimi and he is the cutest pet you have ever seen! If you do not think that he is the cutest rabbit you have ever seen, you must be crazy! He is only two years old and he is that big, too!Mama Mia 🐰 At the moment he weighs 5 point 5 kgs - that is a lot! 😱 Since I moved homes he has been climbing onto my bed. I do not know what is causing this habit, but it is nice to cuddle him.  He is very skittish around bees. When he is fully elongated, he is almost the size of me!  He is getting bigger and bigger.

That concludes KING RABBIT. 

What pet do you have? It is ok if you do not have one.😇


  1. Hi Freya. Thank you for sharing about your awesome pet. I agree with you that Mimi is gigantic and really, really cute. When I read your post about Mimi I noticed that you used exclamation marks to help emphasise your point of view and show your strong feelings. I can clearly hear your personal voice when I read your writing. Awesome work Freya! I have two cats at home called Hetty and Mabel. I think they are really cute too! Keep up the excellent blogging.

  2. Thank you so much Miss Green, I am learning grammar with my mama and I love writing blog posts.

  3. Thank you for helping me on my learning adventure!


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