Friday 18 September 2020

My School Pepeha

This is my School Pepeha. I hope you enjoy!


  1. Hi Freya!
    Rita L here from room 25
    this is a REALLY cool slide I love everything about but all of the voice things except the first on we need access to listen to them and also the colours kind of clash with the background and a little hard to see so maybe you could change that! the backgrounds are really nice though so maybe change the word colours. Anyways!
    Make sure to check out my blog here!My blog!

  2. Hey Freya it's Gina here.
    I like you Pepeha, it's really good. I like the backgrounds you chose to go on each slide. Good job!
    Come check out my blog!

    Blog Ya Later!

  3. Hey Freya i'm Zoe a yr 7 at Otaki college I like your pictures you used I haven't done my pepeha this year anyway and I like the colour of the font Bye from Zoe!

  4. kia ora Freya, I am Imogen and I’m a year 7 student at Paihia School in Te Ngahere. I liked how you showed your Pepeha because it’s always fun to learn where different people are from. Last year in our class we had to say our Pepeha in front of the class, it was pretty scary because I don’t like standing up in front of lots of people. Can you remember your Pepeha without looking at a piece of paper?

  5. Kia ora Freya, my name is Ben and I’m a year eight student from Paihia School. I like your post because it’s interesting to learn other people’s pepeha. I remember last year Te Ngahere had to learn their pepeha and if they couldn’t, they’d have to do the school’s pepeha. Can you recite the school pepeha off by heart?

  6. Morena Freya, Matilda here.
    Your post is really cool. I especially liked the background on the first slide. You reminded me of the time I did A school pepeha. Maybe next time you could check the audio to make sure it's working and change the font colour because it's hard to read.
    Bye, Matilda๐Ÿ˜.

  7. Kia ora, I like how you put pictures that relate to the sentence in the pepeha.
    can you remember the pepeha off by heart?

    See you around

  8. Hi Remy, my name is Jade I am a year six student from Paihia School. I really like your post about your school pepeha . I like it because we are learning our pepeha too . What year were you when you learnt you school pepeha?

  9. Kia ora Freya my name is Mahana, I am a year six at Paihia School. I enjoyed reading your blog post about your School Pepeha because I like how you added a screencastify for people to listen to but I read it instead. I also like it because you added lots of colors. I also like it because my classroom is also been learning there pepeha. Is it hard or easy to pronounce the Te Reo Moari?

  10. Kia ora Freya my name is Pharell and I go to Paihia School and I'm a year six student. I really enjoyed your blog post about your Pepeha, it tells me where your kura. I have done one like you last year it was hard because I had to know it off by heart. I like your amazing backgrounds. Can you say it off by heart? Keep up the AMAZING WORK!


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